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The World Maritime Day theme for the year is “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”. This provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and to highlight the important – yet under-utilized – contribution of women within the maritime sector. The theme gives IMO the opportunity to work with various maritime stakeholders towards achieving the SDGs, particularly SDG 5, to foster an environment in which women are identified and selected for career development opportunities in maritime administrations, ports and maritime training institutes and to encourage more conversation for gender equality in the maritime space. Empowering women fuels thriving economies across the world, spurs growth and development, and benefits everyone working in the global maritime community in the drive towards safe, secure, clean and sustainable shipping. IMO Secretary-General’s message – Allows authors to insert HTML snippets or scripts.
Shipping has historically been a male-dominated industry and that tradition runs long and deep. Click here to learn more about SDG 5. A series of activities and events will be held during 2019 related to the theme Empowering Women in the Maritime Community. International conference on Empowering Women in the Maritime Community at the World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden. 15-17 September – World Maritime Day Parallel Event 2019 in Cartagena, Colombia. 26 September – Celebration of World Maritime Day at IMO Headquarters, including special event.