Russian women names

Russian women names

Unisex Names and Nicknames A unisex russian women names is the same name that is given to a boy or a girl: Alexis, Clare, Gale, Kimberly. Some male names are now also used as female names, for example, Ashley, Casey, Jordan, Taylor. Имя для обоих полов это одинаковое имя, которое дается мальчику или девочке: Alexis, Clare, Gale, Kimberly. Некоторые мужские имена теперь употребляются также и как женские имена, например, Ashley, Casey, Jordan, Taylor.

English Parallel Texts – With Russian Audio! The following articles are parallel texts presented in Russian and English. Each text contains audio in Russian. They are designed to help you learn Russian in a natural way. These articles are designed for intermediate to advanced learners. However even beginners will benefit from attempting to read along.

We recommend you read through each article several times, making sure that you understand it. At first the audio will seem very fast! The samples are recorded at natural Russian reading speed which is quite fast. Just read and listen to each paragraph several times, making sure you can pick out the main words. Listening to Russian at full speed will really help your understanding when you get to Russia. Don’t be stressed if it takes you a long time understand the audio.