Russian woman pours bleach on train

Russian woman pours bleach on train

586 12H10zm-6 4h4v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5V2H4v14zm5 2H3a1 1 0 0 russian woman pours bleach on train-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v9. 502 0 0 0 7 4. 459 0 0 0 2 4. 47A1 1 0 0 1 5 7.

997 0 0 1 7 7h. The stories portrayed in this show are based on real deaths and are extremely graphic. Names have been changed to protect the identities of the deceased. Do not attempt to try ANY of the actions depicted YOU WILL DIE! Every day we fight a new war against germs, toxins, injury, illness, and catastrophe. Because every day we live, we face a thousand ways to die.

Spike TV’s 30-minute anthology of people dying in spectacular, gruesome and often stupid ways. Names were changed to avoid lawsuits, but the stories are based on actual events– supposedly. Each episode also includes commentary from various experts on the science behind the deaths. See also the Darwin Awards, which are based upon essentially the same thing. Acceptable Breaks From Reality: Yes, some of the stories featured on the show are baloney, but they’re still pretty damned funny. 2001, where there was a sign showing a Blu-Ray logo.

The lowered air pressure induced the DCS they were trying to avoid getting, resulting in all three of them, and they were forced to watch in helpless paralysis as the plane flew straight at a mountain. Chippin’ Dale”: The construction worker who gets shredded alive by his wood chipper after using his foot to dislodge a jam. What makes it worse is that this type of death is distressingly common in Real Life . Drunk Die-er”: The drunk driver who was still alive and had to not only watch his organs being harvested before they took out his heart, but feel every second of it. De-Coffinated”: The Haitian man who was paralyzed by his brother through a witch doctor’s toxic dust and buried alive. Constriction Accident”: The construction worker who was buried up to his neck thanks to a truck driver who went to work with a hangover, but died slowly and breathlessly because the pressure on his chest prevented his lungs from expanding. Suffer-Cated”: A cyclist trying to get an edge over his competition uses an altitude tent to increase his red blood cell count, giving him more oxygen to burn while cycling.

His dog, who’s been deprived of food and water at the expense of the cyclist’s training, accidentally turns off the oxygen while getting his water bottle. The cyclist wakes up, panics from the lack of air, and falls door-down in his tent and suffocates to death. Smoke Stalked”: A crazy ex-girlfriend who wouldn’t accept the fact that her ex-boyfriend was married to another woman ends up stalking him to the point that the couple go away on vacation to escape her. The girlfriend decides to break in the house by climbing through the chimney, Santa Claus-style. Unfortunately, she gets stuck for days, wasting away from starvation, suffocation, and dehydration. Pretty Fly For A Dead Guy”: A nerdy man bent on killing bugs creates wall-sized flypaper treated with an extremely sticky glue as a means to capture any and all creepy crawlies.

Once he’s finished, a mosquito buzzes around him and the man goes after it with a flyswatter. The man slips and gets stuck to the wall, completely immobilized, soiled from losing control of his bladder and bowels, and dead days later from dehydration and the bugs turning his body into a buffet. Texas Fold ‘Em”: A poker player who regularly cheats gets in trouble when he uses his cheating tricks on a group of workers with ties to the mob. The player makes a run for it and ends up in an old car. What he doesn’t know is the car is scheduled for destruction. A claw drops and the door pins down on his leg, rendering him immobile. And There Was Much Rejoicing: The show is pretty egregious about this trope.

Then there’s the idiot who tried to get a car to crash into a fire hydrant by blinding drivers with sunlight reflected off of a mirrorand it worked, only for the hydrant to fly into the Jerkass’s head and splatter his brains over the pavement. Then there’s the Expy of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino from Jersey Shore who constantly fixed his car with the music blaring. When his wife kept yelling at him for it, he pushed himself out from under his car and into the path of an oncoming road cleaner. Another Jersey Shore reference, a 20-something bodybuilder who mistreats his girlfriend attempts to inflate his inner-tube with tire sealant. Managing to fulfill that task, his cigarette ignites the outer layer of the tube and ignites the tire sealant, causing a massive brain hemorrhage. There’s the one about the guy who would carjack innocent women.