These Christians are but a few of the 100,000,000 Christian innocents who were exterminated by the Anti-Christian Jewish Red Commissars in Russia under the orders of Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars. We appeal to you, asking you to pay a minimum of attention to our request. We are prisoners who are returning from the Solovetsky concentration camp because of our poor health. We went there full of energy and good health, and now we are returning russian woman nearly crushed by snow invalids, broken and crippled emotionally and physically.
We are asking you to draw your attention to the arbitrary use of power and the violence that reign at the Solovetsky concentration camp in Kemi and in all sections of the concentration camp. October Revolution, and who committed crimes only to save themselves and their families from death by starvation. They line us up naked and barefoot at 22 degrees below zero and keep us outside for up to an hour. All annual inspections uncover a lot of abuses. THEY FORCED THE INMATES TO EAT THEIR OWN FECES.
Comrades,” if we dare to use this phrase, verify that this is a fact from reality, about which, we repeat, OGPU has the official evidence, and judge for yourself the full extent of effrontery and humiliation in the supervision by those who want to make a career for themselves. Everything described above is the truth and we, ourselves, who are close to the grave after 3 years in Solovky and Kemi and other sections, are asking you to improve the pathetic, tortured existence of those who are there who languish under the yoke of the OGPU’s tyranny, violence, and complete lawlessness. 1500530 and is archived under the “fair use” provision of U. Title 17 Section 107 for scholarly, educational, and personal use by those previously requesting such.
THROUGHOUT his tortuous 10 years of hard labour in Stalin’s gulag, Pavel Negretov dreamt of the new life that would begin on the day he finished his sentence for anti-communist activities. Still a young man, he imagined himself starting afresh in Moscow, far from the horrors he had endured. More than half a century later, Negretov remains stranded in Vorkuta, in the Arctic Circle, where he was sent to work in barbaric conditions in the coalmines of Russia’s far north. Now 75, he has yet to be granted the residence permit he needs to move with his wife to the Russian capital. Hundreds of former opponents of Stalin’s dictatorship, including 250 in Vorkuta, have been left to their hard lives in remote regions to which they were exiled in the 1930s and 1940s. Most have struggled ever since to return to their home towns and villages. Thousands have died of old age without being allowed to resettle.