ANTI-SCAM GUIDE: Read once, and forget about scammers forever! Seek a reliable Russian Dating Agency? Be smart russian brides unsubscribe safe – Background checks in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Thanks for your help on this site!
I had decided early on that I would be happy to correspond with her so long as there were no requests for money. When the last letter finally arrived this morning, I knew something was up. Thanks for assuring me that this was a scam after all. Scamming may not be a crime, but stealing money is. I am going to nail these guys, if its the last thing I do.
Thank you for fighting the good fight. We should all stand together to rid the world of this scum. I would like to thank the creators of this site and especially one contributor to the site, namely Shane, who wrote a profile on a Miheeva, Marina aka Margo. You have saved me a lot of money and a lot of grief. The thing to remember about dating site scammers, and this one in particular, is that even though they may correspond with you for weeks – they are essentially lazy. I did some more digging and found this website which made my decision a no brainer. I replied back to her with an article that I found about scammers being arrested in Russia.
I haven’t heard back from her since. She’s goodalmost got me to go “all in” Thank you to this website and whoever started it! Anjella first contacted me through Match. We have been emailing for about 5 weeks now. She made no mention of money until last week. Thanks to you I was wary and di not send any money.