Russian boxer protects wife

Russian boxer protects wife

Three Russian thugs paid the price for picking on a professional boxer’s wife after they tried to drag her into a VIP room. Have russian boxer protects wife been doing it wrong? Son knocks guy out for harassing his mother!

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It also supports new formats which recently Youtube rolled out. So you will never any downloading speed issue. Turning the safe mode off will disable the current protection that prevents mature preview images and avatars from showing. Someone Exploded at this Chicks Workplace! Surveillance cameras have captured the moment a group of Russian thugs picked on someone their own size and sensationally lost.

Nicolai Vlasenko, a professional boxer and martial arts expert, didn’t take too kindly to the gang harassing his wife to join them at their table at a bar in Starokorsunskaya in Russia’s south. When the 29-year-old told the men to leave his wife alone, the apparent leader, Leonti Yevdokimov, 33, suggested that they continue the discussion outside. Why is a craptor starting threads here? I respect that no one pulled out a weapon. Had to watch it a few times. Dude was one punch dropping dudes. Don’t even know who this guy is.

Can’t find any records or anything of his career. Can’t imagine trying to stand up with a Mayweather or PAC in a street fight. I would take 06 Arenas over Lebron. Other than traveling and suspected PED use, what does Lebron have over Gil? Rookie Posts: 1,004 And1: 219 Joined: Nov 11, 2012 Location: In a Knicks state of mind. Detective wrote:Surveillance cameras have captured the moment a group of Russian thugs picked on someone their own size and sensationally lost. I will only cherish the wins and ignore everything else, because that’s the only way to survive as a Knicks fan.